Public sector porkies — 10 years of lying up the hierarchyThis is not my story. These are not my words. These words were written by an anoynmous “policy, partnerships and performance officer”…Feb 7Feb 7
Co-Missioning: moving on from the idea that outcomes can be “delivered”Sam Magne’s well-researched and argued paper on the pursuit of outcomes should finally help us move on from conversations around Payment by…Mar 20, 2024Mar 20, 2024
Explode on ImpactTL:DR — It is impossible for organisations to “demonstrate their impact” if they work in complex environments. Asking them to do so…Jun 23, 202310Jun 23, 202310
Published inCentre for Public ImpactWhat is ‘community’?What is Community and why is it important?Feb 24, 202111Feb 24, 202111
Published inCentre for Public ImpactMade to Measure: how measurement can improve social interventionsMeasure for learning, not for accountability — how we can use measurement appropriately in complex social change environments.Jun 1, 20202Jun 1, 20202